Monday, August 20, 2007

A Sunday Evening

There is something about a Sunday evening.

Sunday evenings used to be a lot of fun when we were in school. Now its about sitting and ruing the fact of how to beat the Monday blues. In fact, the "pain" starts from the Sunday afternoon itself. If you can put this aside, you will see how beautiful a Sunday evening is.

When I peek out of the window, one thing that distinctly strikes me is how relaxed people look. The usual rush is invisible. Note that I'm not considering the crowded malls or the "jammed" traffic. The kids are having their unadulterated fun, quite oblivious to the fact that its back to school tomorrow morning and totally ignorant of the pending homework. Old timers enjoying their blissful Sunday walk. Families in front of TV watching the Sunday special. Fathers putting away their work and having a good time with their five year olds. The trees swaying slightly, moving rhythmically to the light breeze, as I listen to John Mayer. The sun setting and the dusk descending. There is certain sense of beauty even in the ol' piece of paper, which is rolling on the road, with the wind, stopping by once in a while as if to "look" at you. It’s a treat if there is a sporting event especially a final of a Grand Slam. The youth going out for a cup of coffee at the local chai shop and catching on the week that was. As the light fades out, people are moving indoors to wind up their Sunday.

Watching all these, eases the transition from a Sunday evening to a Monday morning.

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