They say, In the mathematics of Love, one plus one remains one. And how true is that!
Two of my best friends took another step closer to the holy matrimony. It was a sheer pleasure to be around to witness it. It felt good or rather great to see them together, taking their 6 years of courtship towards the most fitting conclusion.
She stood there, decked up to see her dreams fall into place. He stood there, decked up and all ready to steer the relationship into its next turn. And we stood there witnessing the, friendship set to music:Love.
I've known them separately and I've known them together. And I whole heartedly feel that they wouldn't have found anyone more perfect for each other than themselves. Rhetorically speaking, they are just "made for each other". It brings great joy to see them taking owes to spend their rest of lives together.
When I say they are perfect for each other, it not without reason. They have very special qualities distinct to each other. Yet they manage to pull it off since they complement each other so well.
I wish them all the very best for all their endeavors. Salute!
And for the rest of us its still, "Its better to have loved and lost...."